The weekend passed. Sunday was another beautiful worship service in Tom's home. James led in several songs that we knew, so Paula and I were able to sing along in English. The rest of the day was relaxful.
Monday morning, at 10am I returned to the Dentist's office for my root canal. Dra. Barbara was all ready for me right on time, so we walked back to her examination room. I had mentioned to a friend of mine (who is a dental assistant) that I didn't really dread the actual procedure, just the time I was going to have to sit in that darn chair with my mouth stretched open. She suggested to me that I take my iPod with me and listen to some music to help pass the time. I showed my iPod to Dra. Barbara and she smiled, nodded and asked what I was listening to. I had decided to listen to my collection of Billy Joel (by-passing "Pressure" if it came on), but she had not heard of him. I put the ear phones in and she started her work.
All in all, it was not a horrifying experience. Even after a few hours, I felt no aches or pains. The temporary packing kept flaking away and it was somewhat annoying, but that was the worst of it.
On Thursday, Dra Sophia cleaned out what was left of the packing, and cleaned the area rather thoroughly. After filling the hole, she told me that the work was more than she could do right then and would have to take a mold (or two) to get a crown made. This she did rather deftly. In a week I will have a new prosthetic tooth.
I talked with Dra Sophia some more this time. She had worked as a dental assistant in Sydney, Aus for awhile, and that was when she decided to become a full dentist herself. She has also visited the states, having spent some time in Chicago and New York to attend conferences and training on different dental techniques. I also learned she is a believer in Christ, attending an evangelical church locally. She invited me and Paula to come to a home group she attends, which I look forward to attending.
In my opinion, the dental work here in Brazil is just as competent as any I've ever gotten in the states. From what I understand, the Brazilians focus quite heavily on dental care, thinking that it will lessen some of the medical needs later in life. Therefore, it is VERY affordable. All the work I've had done will cost less than $500, but the quality is superb!
Good to know you got your teeth fixed. Whe is Paula going to get hers done, since it is so inexpensive, there should be no excuses as to why she can't. And could you please exsplain why it is that you pop a cap off and have to have immidiate attention while she your wife has had to endure MAJOR dental problems and suffer extreme pain with NO attention for years,while you continued to purchase every TOP of the line Computors, Lap tops, Ipods and any other Gadgets you happen to want?
Enquiring Sisters want to know!
Yes... I plan to get it done when we come back (not enough time to do it now)
And we have TRIED to take care of my teeth... just VERY difficult without any insurance. BTW, when I've been in extreme pain we've done something about it. (just didn't eat for a month or two afterward. not really lol)
(For the record, most of his gear is not "top-of-the-line" but closeout and discontinued crappy models.)
-Answering Sisters
I'm sorry it's just because Your my only sister and I care and Love you.
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