Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday happenings

Sunday evening, 8pm, finds me on the front porch in a hammock. It's dark here and about 82°F (28°C). I'm reflecting on the day's events and it all seems to have flown so quickly.

We had a worship service this morning, but it was different than I am use to. Tom and his son James have started an "organic" home church in Tom's house. About 20 or so people from the local area filtered in and joined James as he sang some worship songs. There were at least 3 people playing guitar, one on a violin and a couple tapping on bongos. I didn't understand any of the words, but I knew it was honest worship, so I listened and hummed along. At some point, I felt I ought to read a passage for myself, so I turned to the later chapters of Acts (I always enjoy reading about Paul's work), and read from chapter 25, where Paul testified to King Agrippa of the work of Jesus. I once again was marveled by Paul's boldness in speaking truth to this ruler of Galilea. After that, I resumed observing and listening to the worship. The singing finished and James spoke. Once again, it was nothing I understood, but I could tell that many there were learning from his words. Shortly after, Tom picked up his bible and started sharing a message. I just listened to the sound of this language I will be learning. All of a sudden, in the midst of his sentences, I heard Tom say "Agrippa"… "huh?" I said to myself… then again, he said "Agrippa" in his sentence, then "Bernice" and "Paul." It dawned on me… Tom was speaking from the exact passage I had read from just 20 minutes earlier! WOW. What a marvelous Lord we serve! Not co-incidence… it was a GOD-incident!

The rest of the day was spent visiting with the family of the Padleys. I'm learning many names, and I hope to keep them all straight!

Kathy and a couple of her grand-daughters made pizza tonight. It was delicious! There were about 10 people around the table and the talk and laughter was continuous.

Just before I started typing this, I had the opportunity to talk with Hannah, one of James's daughters about some of her struggles. And even here, she faces the same issues that our children have faced at home in Ohio. She wants to share her faith with her friends, yet is afraid of ridicule and rejection. I guess that goes for just about all of us. As I encouraged her, I felt a re-assurance in my own calling.

Pray not just for me and Paula, but also for Hannah, our children, and all our brothers and sisters, that we may have the boldness of Paul to speak the truth of Christ's love to all those around us!

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